How can I automatically add "Dear sir" to every new Outlook 2007 email?



I usually put the words "Dear sr" at the top of every message I send in Outlook 2007.

I'd like that this was inserted automatically like Outlook does with signatures.

How can I do this?


Posted 2012-07-30T08:48:24.927

Reputation: 209

5What if they are a "madam"? – iglvzx – 2012-07-31T04:17:05.070

2Anything wrong with making a longer signature and you just type within the signature for each message? – Canadian Luke – 2012-07-31T04:26:14.137

@Luke That's a good idea. – iglvzx – 2012-07-31T04:28:12.137

@iglvzx Made an answer – Canadian Luke – 2012-07-31T04:37:42.157



On a normal email enter "Dear Sir". Publish to the Personal Forms Library. Name it Male.

Call the form with a macro.

Sub DisplayMaleForm()
Dim MyFolder
Dim myItem As MailItem
' create new outgoing message based on a form
Set MyFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set myItem = MyFolder.items.Add("IPM.Note.Male")
End Sub

Create a button.

Repeat with a form named Female that starts "Dear Madam".

Note: There is usually no spellcheck on a signature.


Posted 2012-07-30T08:48:24.927

Reputation: 1 724


What is wrong with creating a long signature? As an example below...

Dear Sir,



Luke Super God of Super User

Canadian Luke

Posted 2012-07-30T08:48:24.927

Reputation: 22 162

The main issue with this is that the cursor won't be placed in the correct place for writing the body of the e-mail. – ChrisF – 2012-07-31T10:36:39.293