What causes the "Failed to create the hard disk storage" error when creating a new virtual machine?



This is the error I received:

Failed to create the hard disk storage C:\Users\Sara\VirtualBox VMs\OSOS\OSOS.vhd.

Could not create the medium storage unit 'C:\Users\Sara\VirtualBox VMs\OSOS\OSOS.vhd'.

VHD: cannot set the file size for 'C:\Users\Sara\VirtualBox VMs\OSOS\OSOS.vhd' (VERR_DISK_FULL).

Result Code: VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x80BB0004) Component: Medium Interface: IMedium {53f9cc0c-e0fd-40a5-a404-a7a5272082cd}


Posted 2012-07-26T18:34:17.697

Reputation: 73

2I'm guessing you don't have enough disk space to make the virtual hard drive you were trying to make. – Rob – 2012-07-26T18:36:24.910



The error code VERR_DISK_FULL sums it up. Your disk is full. Free up some space and it should work.


Posted 2012-07-26T18:34:17.697

Reputation: 4 774

2Alternatively, decrease the size of your VHD. – Ryan – 2012-07-26T18:48:22.630

1Decreasing the size of the virtual disk will work if it isn't a dynamically growable disk file. If it is dynamically growable, it's already as small as it can be. – Fran – 2012-07-26T18:59:10.550