Basic Access Authentication on IIS whose website root is on a Samba (Ubuntu) share


I've got this configuration:

  1. Ubuntu 12.04 hosting a directory tree full of files to be served by a webserver
  2. VirtualBox running WindowsXP Service Pack 3 with IIS

XP and Ubuntu are connected to one another via a host only virtual NIC. There's Samba installed and running on Ubuntu and exporting one share point; IIS on Windows configured to use that Samba share as the root directory of the website it's serving1.

It all works, except for one thing: I need to protect with basic authentication one of the directories within the website. If I run the site locally to Windows, authenticating with a windows user works flawlessly, if instead I run the site on the Samba share, the same user and the same password don't work. I even tried using my Ubuntu user login and password, but to no avail.

Does anybody know how to solve this issue, and where it stems from?


1 I couldn't use a vbox shared directory, it would just not work.

Fabio A.

Posted 2012-07-25T15:23:50.400

Reputation: 149

I'm having this same issue, did you ever find a solution? In my case IIS is running as admin, so i was going to use a mapped drive to the samba share, but its getting too complicating of a setup if i have to map the network drive on admin account. – Brian Thomas – 2017-08-18T18:09:28.813

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