Is there anyway to send and receive email in linux command using POP3?


New to mail in linux command line, I don't know it support POP3 protocal or not which icloud mail service using?

Is there a more handy command line mail clinet than mail?


Posted 2012-07-19T00:41:00.167

Reputation: 869

@technomage Yes I think so. How can I move the question to superuser? – mko – 2012-07-19T01:33:11.130



Is there anyway to send and receive email in linux command using POP3?

No, by definition. POP can only be used to receive mail -- it has no provisions for sending mail. Mail is typically sent using SMTP. (Which mail can do, indirectly, by way of sendmail.)

Standard implementations of mail can only read local mail (e.g, mail messages stored in a mbox file or maildir). You will need to use a program such as fetchmail to copy mail from a POP server to your local machine, or use a different mail client.

Is there a more handy command line mail clinet than mail?

Yes. mail is the oldest commonly available command-line mail client, and as such is probably the least convenient possible one to use; there are a lot of far superior mail programs, including alpine, mutt, mh, gnus, and many others.

duskwuff -inactive-

Posted 2012-07-19T00:41:00.167

Reputation: 3 824

I've checked out the manual of the GNU Mailutils it seems to support POP3 which as you said for receiving mail only.

– mko – 2012-07-20T05:32:38.387

That's describing the entirety of the Mailutils suite. GNU mail itself doesn't support POP (it only reads mail spools and maildirs), but some of the other utilities, such as movemail (similar to fetchmail) do support POP. – duskwuff -inactive- – 2012-07-20T05:37:31.020


evil otto

Posted 2012-07-19T00:41:00.167

Reputation: 113