chrome search in page: accented characters



Searching text inside a webpage (with ctrl-f) for an accented character, for instance è, chromium finds all occurrences of è, é and e.

Similarly, searching e finds è and é as well.

While it is an awesome function, is there an option, escape sequence or anything else to make chrome just find the typed character?


Posted 2012-07-20T15:48:50.583

Reputation: 733

My local is UK English and it treats ä as a. Probably it's to do with the language settings. I need search for non-English texts, and this behaviour is kinda ruining it. – Koffeehaus – 2014-10-06T11:17:34.347

Good question. The behavior is not consistent. On my Chrome, “ä” is treated as distinct from “a” (which is good for me, since these are quite distinct letters in Finnish, but it appears to be inconsistent with the “é” issue). – Jukka K. Korpela – 2012-07-20T16:14:24.600

@JukkaK.Korpela: I wouldn't go that far. ä and a are different letters, é is just an e with an acute accent. – Dennis – 2012-07-20T16:19:59.930

well, ä is just an a with a dieresis/umlaut, or not? it would be interesting how this is treated in mysql collations – guido – 2012-07-20T16:29:41.097

In German (at least), ä, ö and ü are different (modern) ways of writing ae, oe and ue. The pronunciation of ü and u, for example, is entirely different. – Dennis – 2012-07-20T16:39:10.653

@Jukka. It's interesting: in some languages accented letters are counted as different letters, while in others they're just variants. – TRiG – 2012-07-28T23:07:44.510



As far as I know, this behavior can't be disabled. You could, however, use a text search extension that behaves differently.

Type-ahead-find, for example, only finds exact matches.


Posted 2012-07-20T15:48:50.583

Reputation: 42 934

+1. It makes me remember it was the default find behavior of a browser I had used for some time maybe 10 years ago on fedora (was it galeon?). – guido – 2012-07-20T16:26:51.780


Unfortunately this has been a known issue for at least a year and a half, but has not (yet?) been addressed. You can star the issue for updates.


Posted 2012-07-20T15:48:50.583

Reputation: 63 242

Still a bug. :( Try Ctrl+F for "é" on a table of common character sets! Ugh...

– Lightness Races with Monica – 2019-09-02T12:14:13.673

I got around this (and many, many other problems) a couple of years ago by abandoning Chrome and switching to Firefox. Life has been so much better since then. – Synetech – 2019-09-03T15:26:53.577

Funny, I'm using Chrome because I'd given up on Firefox. – Lightness Races with Monica – 2019-09-03T15:47:50.273