Is there a Windows 7 shortcut to open Windows Explorer showing the Desktop?


Is there a Windows 7 shortcut to open Windows Explorer showing the Desktop? I know that WinD goes to Desktop, but I want to see it in the Windows Explorer.

I also know that WinE opens the Windows Explorer, but unfortunately it opens it to the My Computer directory.

If there is no global default shortcut, what is the quickest way to setup one? I would prefer a simple way that doesn't require a third party program.

Which keyboard combination would you recommend using? I don't want to override a generic one or one that's already in use by the system.

Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn

Posted 2012-07-19T13:57:38.203

Reputation: 1 240



First, create a shortcut to your Desktop. i.e. C:\Users\%username%\Desktop

Then see here on how to assign it a shortcut key, maybe CTRL ALT D or something?

  • Locate the shortcut to the program that you want to create a keyboard shortcut for.
  • Right-click the shortcut, and then click Properties.
  • In the Shortcut Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab.
  • Click in the Shortcut key box, press the key on your keyboard that you want to use in combination with Ctrl+Alt (keyboard shortcuts automatically start with Ctrl+Alt), and then click OK. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Bali C

Posted 2012-07-19T13:57:38.203

Reputation: 1 522


Use AutoHotKey software and use a script just as this one:

A hotkey can be assigned to any of the above examples by including a hotkey label. In the first example below, the assigned hotkey is Win+N:

#n::Run C:\Users\%username%\Desktop

This will open your Windows Explorer on the desktop folder.


Posted 2012-07-19T13:57:38.203

Reputation: 28 202