How to make Vimperator not to handle <C-Tab> and <C-S-Tab>


I had my own behavior for <C-Tab> and <C-S-Tab> achieved by another plugin, but when vimperator is active, this behavior becomes changed to default one.

Is there a way to make vimperator not to affect tab switching? OR: Is there a way to make vimperator switch tabs in Most-Recent-Used order instead of standard order?

Dmitry Frank

Posted 2012-07-18T19:13:08.967

Reputation: 699



It seems like I found the solution:

1) Use pentadactyl instead of vimperator. (pentadactyl is a fork of vimperator) 2) put in ~/_pentadactylrc the following:

nm <C-Tab> <Pass>
nm <C-S-Tab> <Pass>

Then pentadactyl will pass these events directly to Fireefox.

Dmitry Frank

Posted 2012-07-18T19:13:08.967

Reputation: 699