Missing text/blank space on Ubuntu web sites using Google Chrome


When visiting ubuntu.com or askubuntu.com, Google Chrome displays blank spaces instead of most of the expected text of the web site. The sites look like this:

enter image description here

I am using Google Chrome 20.0.1132.47 beta on Fedora 17 x86_64 under KDE.

So far I have tried:

  • Removed ~/.cache/google-chrome and restarted Chrome - No change.
  • Removed ~/.config/google-chrome and restarted Chrome - No change.
  • Removed both of the above and restarted Chrome - No change.
  • Logged in as a different user - Works.

when I login as a different user, Chrome displays the sites properly. In addition, when I remove the ~/.config/google-chrome and ~/.cache/google-chrome directories and restart Chrome to generate a new configuration, the problem persists. These lead me to believe that the trouble has something to do with my user account, though exactly what is unclear.

Where else should I look for the source of this problem?

Michael Hampton

Posted 2012-07-10T21:19:06.173

Reputation: 11 744

After being updated to 21.0.1180.41 the problem persists. – Michael Hampton – 2012-07-14T03:54:53.487



I had an apparently corrupt copy of the Ubuntu fonts in my ~/.fonts directory. After removing them, I can view all of these sites normally again.

Michael Hampton

Posted 2012-07-10T21:19:06.173

Reputation: 11 744


You may want to verify your font settings in your chrome profile (Settings > Advanced > Web Content). I had run into a similar issue in the past that was solved with a change to my font settings.


Posted 2012-07-10T21:19:06.173

Reputation: 321