Connect CCTV Camera With BNC Cable To Computer and Make Appear As Webcam



Does anyone know the best way to connect a bnc cable(I think it's called bnc), this, to a computer (windows 7) and make it appear as a webcam so that the Vitamin D CCTV Software will see it and work with it.


Tom Jenkinson

Posted 2012-07-10T14:39:40.657

Reputation: 282

1BNC is also sometimes called COAX – HaydnWVN – 2012-07-10T15:08:54.797



You would need an adapter to convert the analog BNC video into a digital equivalent.

You could use a PCI card to maximize compatibility:

or try a simply USB adapted:

google around for BNC to USB or PCI adapters and you'll have a ton of options. This is very possible, as well as cheaply and easily.

Lee Harrison

Posted 2012-07-10T14:39:40.657

Reputation: 2 046

Thanks. So if I use a PCI card is it common for it to simply show up as a webcam? – Tom Jenkinson – 2012-07-10T16:16:25.403

1It really depends on the card that you choose. Some will add it as a camera device similar to the way USB cams appear, other may add it as a system device (similar to a hard drive) that can be accessed with the proper software. The upside is that most cards will come with their own software for video, and things such as edge detection are fairly standard now. Wost case I'd go with the cheap USB adapter first and if it doesn't work, send it back and buy a pci-based solution. – Lee Harrison – 2012-07-10T16:58:25.790

ok thanks. Do you reckon this might work ?

– Tom Jenkinson – 2012-07-10T17:16:39.540

The thing is I'd really like to use the vitamin d software as I've used it before and really like it. I think that will only work if it sees it a a webcam though – Tom Jenkinson – 2012-07-10T17:18:09.540

Looks like it might work, and for less than 6 pounds its hard to argue with at least giving it a shot. It's just hard to tell with legacy equipment attaching to USB, and often the only way to know is to give it a shot! – Lee Harrison – 2012-07-10T17:32:20.083

ok. I'll give it a shot and let you know if it works. Thanks again – Tom Jenkinson – 2012-07-10T17:33:38.570

no problem...and reading the comments on that particular adapter make it look very promising. Nearly every review makes it sound like its dead-simple to use. Good luck! – Lee Harrison – 2012-07-10T17:35:51.157