Can Picasa export directly to a chosen folder instead of subfolder?


When I attempt to export pictures in Picasa, it forces me to always export to a subfolder of my chosen folder. Example:

Export Picture > Choose C:\picasaexports\

In the export window, it shows (by default) that it will export to

C:\picasaexport\2012-07-07 (todays date)

I can type in anything I want instead of the date. If I leave it blank the subfolder name is export. It doesn't seem possible to export DIRECTLY to whatever folder you select. The only workaround (using the example above) would be to choose your export folder as C:\ and then manually type in picasaexport as the subfolder name. Seems stupid, especially if your folder has a really long name cause you gotta type it out...

Is there a better way to get around this problem?

Jake Wilson

Posted 2012-07-08T04:21:48.723

Reputation: 3 044

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