Is it possible to hijack X server of a process?


Is there a way to SSH to a machine and forward the X of already running process to my SSH client (as if I launched this process via SSH with X forwarding)?


Posted 2009-09-21T13:27:31.350

Reputation: 2 176



No. Not in a standard X server. There are a pile of research projects out there that are trying to accomplish this, but none have produced code that has been incorporated into the x server project.

This is a duplicate question. see: "Detach" and "Reattach" xterms across X sessions?


Posted 2009-09-21T13:27:31.350

Reputation: 1 354


Unfortunately, no, it is not possible with the current server (it would have to be something that is supported by the original X server on the remote machine). The problem is that the X server stores a lot of state and there is no way to transfer that state to the new server.

However, if it is possible to setup something like Xpra on the remote machine ahead of time (e.g. set it up to run on login), then it is possible to redirect the clients later.


Posted 2009-09-21T13:27:31.350

Reputation: 1 390