How can I produce high CPU load on a Linux server?



I’m currently in the process of debugging a Cacti installation and want to create CPU load to debug my CPU utilization graphs.

I tried to simply run cat /dev/zero > /dev/null, which works great but only utilizes 1 core:

enter image description here

Is there a better method of testing/maxing-out system resources under load?

Related: How can I produce high CPU load on Windows?

Der Hochstapler

Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 77 228

4@oKtosiTe What Rich Homolka said is right, but it's not just that it's a bad thing to do, it's also useless because it'll block almost immediately and stop consuming cpu. – Luc – 2014-07-22T18:11:58.177

@Luc This isn't always true. With haveged you can create enough entropy. – Stefan – 2014-08-12T12:05:42.203

@Stefan Interesting, I didn't know that tool existed. Still, it isn't installed by default on any Debian (based) distribution that I know of. – Luc – 2014-08-12T13:12:12.793

I've been using matho-primes all >/dev/null & but it's undoubtedly not the BEST answer for everyone. – Wildcard – 2015-12-19T03:00:11.887

1is it possible to run multiple instances of cat simultaneously? – Nate Koppenhaver – 2012-06-30T17:16:24.133

@NateKoppenhaver: Yes, that seems to be possible when wrapping them in screen sessions. But I would prefer a more sophisticated solution if possible. – Der Hochstapler – 2012-06-30T17:18:11.300

1Heh, I always used cat /dev/random > /dev/null. Guess /dev/zero works too. :-) – oKtosiTe – 2012-07-01T07:25:59.763

8@oKtosiTe cat /dev/random has the side effect of depleting the entropy in /dev/random. There are times you need to conserve entropy, I wouldn't have this as my go to CPU hog. – Rich Homolka – 2012-07-25T21:41:41.363



Try stress It's pretty much an equivalent of the Windows consume.exe:

oliver$ ./stress --cpu 3
stress: info: [18472] dispatching hogs: 3 cpu, 0 io, 0 vm, 0 hdd

Mitesh Shah

Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 2 086

11On Fedora, sudo yum install stress – Christopher Markieta – 2014-11-13T22:15:23.857

16Arch: sudo pacman -S stress – das_j – 2015-02-19T19:44:06.427

9brew install stress on OS X – Christian Long – 2015-07-16T14:15:13.077


From source: wget && tar -xvf stress-1.0.4.tar.gz && cd stress-1.0.4 && ./configure && make && sudo make install See README.

– markdsievers – 2018-12-18T02:47:18.750


On Amazon Linux, sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y && sudo yum install stress -y (ref)

– shadi – 2019-07-23T08:42:31.320

The link to the stress package is dead – shadi – 2019-10-08T12:16:11.030

24on ubuntu, you can install with sudo apt-get install stress – ben – 2013-04-25T17:50:58.723

15on debian wheezy too. – enapupe – 2013-10-15T01:42:11.760


No need to install any extra package, your good old shell is able to do it alone.

This one-liner will load your four cores1 at 100%:

for i in 1 2 3 4; do while : ; do : ; done & done

How it works is quite simple, it starts four endless loops. Each of them is repeating the null instruction (:). Each loop is able to load a CPU core at 100%.

If you use bash, ksh93 and other shells supporting ranges, (i.e. not dash or older ksh), you can use this non portable syntax:

for i in {1..4}; do ...

Replace 4 with the number of CPUs you'd like to load if different from 4.

Assuming you had no background job already running when you launched one of these loops, you can stop the load generation with that command:

for i in 1 2 3 4; do kill %$i; done

Answering @underscore_d's comment, here is an enhanced version that simplify a lot stopping the load and that also allow specifying a timeout (default 60 seconds.) A Control-C will kill all the runaway loops too. This shell function works at least under bash and ksh.

# Usage: lc [number_of_cpus_to_load [number_of_seconds] ]
lc() {
    echo loading $cpus CPUs for $seconds seconds
    trap 'for p in $pids; do kill $p; done' 0
    for ((i=0;i<cpus;i++)); do while : ; do : ; done & pids="$pids $!"; done
    sleep $seconds

1Note that with CPUs supporting more than one thread per core (Hyper-threading), the OS will dispatch the load to all virtual CPUs. In that case, the load behavior is implementation dependent (each thread might be reported as 100% busy or not)..


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 12 469

2As a reminder you can stop this test by issuing killall bash - just make sure you don't have any other important script running at the time. – a coder – 2015-06-29T19:42:39.600

1@acoder Thanks for suggesting a way to end the loop. I would however avoid killall bash. Answer edited to add a safer method to end the load generation. – jlliagre – 2015-06-29T22:04:05.327

or simply end them with fg ctrl+c, 4 times. – phil294 – 2017-08-18T17:21:52.250

1+1 for the lc shell function – Akira Yamamoto – 2018-06-27T07:07:48.347

I used this in a script for testing! – Marinaio – 2019-08-12T19:28:42.653

Thanks, but & causes a command to run in a separate thread or separate core? I am confused. – mmdemirbas – 2012-07-04T14:23:26.773

3@mmdemirbas: The ampersand causes the command to run as a separate process. The scheduler is then dispatching all the active processes to all available cores . – jlliagre – 2012-07-05T01:54:17.650


I made a simple python script which does the same. You can control the number of cpu cores you want to load. The good thing about this is that it won't consume any other resource besides the cpu. (I think mark johnson's idea would consume a lot of I/O resources, which is undesired here.)

from multiprocessing import Pool

def f(x):
    # Put any cpu (only) consuming operation here. I have given 1 below -
    while True:
        x * x

# decide how many cpus you need to load with.
no_of_cpu_to_be_consumed = 3

p = Pool(processes=no_of_cpu_to_be_consumed), range(no_of_cpu_to_be_consumed))

Just run this script from the terminal $ python You need to kill the script when you are done.

Here, is my cpu consumption output when I load 3 of my cores.

Script creates three processes (PIDs - 9377, 9378, 9379) which load 3 of my cores

Pushpak Dagade

Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 343

3What program do you used to display CPU usage like this? It reminds me of top, but I don't recall the CPU 'charts'. – jftuga – 2012-07-01T01:13:54.767

13@jftuga probably htop, top's prettier brother. – BoppreH – 2012-07-01T03:38:57.337


yes its htop. Best real time, colorful interactive process viewer for linux -

– Pushpak Dagade – 2012-07-02T17:12:56.267

3Wasn't paying attention and ran this on a Windows box. Very bad things... – Derrick – 2013-02-07T17:43:22.393


One alternative way would be

openssl speed -multi $(grep -ci processor /proc/cpuinfo)

or (if nproc is present)

openssl speed -multi $(nproc --all)

OpenSSL is almost always present on nowadays distros, so no extra packages needed.


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 334


Start two

sha1sum /dev/zero &

commands for every core in your system.

To stop

killall sha1sum


kill sha1sum


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 231


I've been developing stress-ng, an updated stress tool that can stress a wide range of aspects of a Linux system. For more information, see

Usage is similar to stress

$ stress-ng --cpu 4 --vm 2 --fork 8 --switch 4 --timeout 1m
stress-ng: info:  [32254] dispatching hogs: 4 cpu, 8 fork, 4 switch, 2 vm
stress-ng: info:  [32254] cache allocate: default cache size: 8192K

Install with

sudo apt-get install stress-ng

Colin King

Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 81


Please read How do I recommend software for some tips as to how you should go about recommending software. At the very least you should provide more than just/at least a link, for example some additional information about the software itself, and how it can be used to solve the problem in the question.

– DavidPostill – 2015-09-06T20:33:18.443


I usually take the cpuburn suite:

sudo apt-get install cpuburn
for i in {1..4}; do burnK7 & done

Replace 4 with the number of cores / HT-threads you have or want to stress.

Note: This stresses as much chip area as possible at the same time, it's programmed to generate maximum power dissipation. I had to write this post a second time, somehow my machine didn't like it :-(

You could also do cpuburn in sequences:

burnP6 & burnP6 & burnP6 & burnP6 & 
[1] 28520
[2] 28521
[3] 28522
[4] 28523

And when you want to stop them:

killall burnP6

You could also multiply burnP6 & to match the number of CPU cores on your system.


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 923


You can run that command as many times as you want, and it will take up a different core each time:

$ for i in `seq 1 $CORES`; do cat /dev/zero > /dev/null &
> done
[1] 8388

Christian Mann

Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 651

1Wouldn't that make terminating the processes a bit of a hassle? – oKtosiTe – 2012-07-01T07:26:46.643

1killall cat should do it. – Christian Mann – 2012-07-01T21:00:42.573

1Depending on whether you have other cat processes running (I usually do). – oKtosiTe – 2012-07-02T13:36:33.027


pretty simple and scientific solution.

Here you can see dynamics example in which 50% load is generated on CPU core 0:

enter image description here

You can run the process on other cores at the same time.


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 151


I combined both +jlliagre and +ecabuk.

lc() {
    nowMs=$(date +%s)
        echo "[$(date)] loading $cpus CPUs for $seconds seconds"
        echo "[$(date)] Expected completion: [$(date --date=@$(expr $nowMs + $seconds))]"
        trap 'for p in $pids; do kill $p; done' 0
        for ((i=0;i<cpus;i++)); do
            sha1sum /dev/zero &
            pids="$pids $!";
        sleep $seconds
    echo "[$(date)] Done"

lc $@


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 153


pxz is a parallel implementation of xz.

pxz -9e /dev/zero --stdout >/dev/null should do the trick, as this is quite cpu intensive.

If /dev/zero is not fast enough (you notice that pxz gets I/O throttled) you can do pxz -9e /dev/zero --stdout | pxz -9e --stdout >/dev/null

Newer versions of xz have the --threads option which is a substitute for pxz.

styrofoam fly

Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 1 746


Here's the way I use and there's no need to install anything extra.

For example to start with 4 processes,

nproc | xargs seq | xargs -n1 -P4 md5sum /dev/zero

You can change the number of processes by the option "-P" above.


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 11


You can use:

fulload() { dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null | dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null & }; fulload; read; killall dd

Repeat dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null for your CPU cores.

Hit any key to stop the test.

Lyma Lyma

Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 11


I wanted to add this to @jlliagre's comment, but I don't have enough reputation. If you're going to use this code on multiple servers and the CPU count will vary, you can use the following command:

for ((i=1; i<=`nproc --all`; i++)); do while : ; do : ; done & done

This will utilize all of the cores on your server regardless of how many you have. The command nproc is part of coreutils so should be on most Linux installations.


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 117


A simple command line does it too:

x="x" ; while : ; do x=$x$x ; echo -n "." ; done


Posted 2012-06-30T17:13:30.370

Reputation: 1 911

1This would be simpler: while : ; do : ; done – jlliagre – 2012-07-01T06:30:41.227

@jlliagre Yours wön't go above loadavg 1. – ott-- – 2012-07-01T11:06:32.020

Your loop isn't primarily loading the CPU but more filling the memory. It will eventually crash with an out of memory error. – jlliagre – 2012-07-01T12:31:27.303

@jlliagre Mine fills memory and swap (if present), thus producing a load of 3 before it killed because it runs out of memory. – ott-- – 2012-07-01T14:14:25.330

4That's the problem. You aren't answering the question asked which is how to produce a high CPU load on a server. Your script is quickly making a system unresponsive and then crashes. There are much more reliable ways to get a loadavg of 3. eg: for i in 1 2 3; do while : ; do : ; done & ; done – jlliagre – 2012-07-01T14:52:44.453