Using gnome-do as a dock


I've recently removed the bottom toolbar, in Ubuntu, and replaced it with gnome-do, using the "Docky" theme.

Things looks nice, but I have a couple of questions :

  1. The dock doesn't differentiate between a shortcut and the application itself when launched. What if I want to launch more than one time that app ? (ie. the console).

  2. The dock shows all apps launched, not just the apps launched on that particular desktop. Can I change this behavior ? I haven't found it in the preferences.

screenshot of gnome-do as a dock

(image from the blog "OMG Ubuntu", )


Posted 2009-09-20T14:21:57.533

Reputation: 2 764



  1. Use your middle mouse button, or right click it and press "Run".
  2. No.


Posted 2009-09-20T14:21:57.533

Reputation: 679


In the Gnome-Do 0.8.2 preferences, on the Appearance tab, there's an option "Indicate Multiple Windows" that puts an extra mark under the dock icon when there are multiple instances running. Perhaps this would help you differentiate?


Posted 2009-09-20T14:21:57.533

Reputation: 2 276