Identify files that would be deleted when removing an rsync --link-dest directory?



I have a Time Machine-style backup system set up on my NAS (running BusyBox v1.16.1), using rsync --link-dest as described here:

Is there an easy way to find out which files will be deleted if I delete an old backup directory, and which will just be unlinked? I assume one way would be to find which inodes in the old directory have only one link to them, but I don't know a way to do that. rm --dry-run anyone?

Bonus Points: Find a way to do the above, and also calculate the total disk space freed if the old backup is deleted.


Posted 2012-06-25T22:30:42.720

Reputation: 23



A simple way would be to just use find with the -links option.

Specifically you would want to do something like find path -type f -links 1.

I haven't tested, but I believe a command like this would delete all the multi-linked files.

# you might not need to escape the !, depends on your shell
# should find all the files that do NOT have a link count of 1 and delete them
find path -type f \! links 1 -print -delete 


Posted 2012-06-25T22:30:42.720

Reputation: 18 453

Thanks! This is perfect. I don't need the second part; since the backup images are full of hard links, I just need to delete the oldest backup directory.

find oldest/ -type f -links 1 >> files-lost-forever.txt; find oldest/ -type f -links 1 -print0 | xargs -0 du | awk '{total = total + $1}END{print total " bytes freed"}'; rm -rf oldest; – JDS – 2012-06-26T05:15:27.943

er... s/du/du -k/ and s/bytes/Kb/ – JDS – 2012-06-26T06:44:42.373