When I download an MP3 file - I click on it in a download list and Firefox opens Rhythmbox to play it. I want it to open Audacious for the job though. I can't find Rhythmbox neither under Preferences » Associations, nor in about:config
Where else should I try to find it?
Same thing for PDFs — it opens them in Evince while I prefer Okular.
How did Firefox ask you what to do with the file when you clicked on it? I thought it opened the wrong player automatically… which is what you stated in your question. – slhck – 2013-08-12T07:42:24.990
Well it asks what to do with the thing: save, or open. In open thing -- You can choose an app, where as if You click the file on the list of downloaded files -- it doesn't ask anything and just opens with the default app. – Adobe – 2013-08-12T09:25:43.960