How to setup a Remote Desktop access to the Windows Home Server box?


I have Acer easyStore H340, which does not allow full Remote Desktop access out-of-box (only WHS console). Anybody knows the recipe for enabling it? Remote access is the only way to get to the server since it does not have keyboard and video terminals.

EDIT: In fact, the remote access is there, it was just hard to find - and until you found it, it is impossible to configure anything that is not configurable through console.

EDIT: When I tried to connect the first time using Remote Desktop Connection, I probably messed up the login info. Later, when I used right-click from the Network\MYSERVER in Explorer, the RDC put in correct logon attributes (MYSERVER\Administrator) and I was able to go in. The fact you need to use "Administrator" for WHS remote access using RDC is not covered anywhere in the doc.

Sergey Aldoukhov

Posted 2009-09-20T00:42:13.027

Reputation: 238

Under Start -> Run -> sysdm.cpl -> Remote -> Remote Desktop, is Allow users to connect... checked? – hyperslug – 2009-09-20T01:22:12.410



Press Windows Flag+Pause / Break, then on the right had side click "Remote Settings", Next, make sure you have enabled and allowed Remote Desktop, and enabled the users you want to connect with.

You should now be able to connect.

William Hilsum

Posted 2009-09-20T00:42:13.027

Reputation: 111 572

1When enabled, I think Administrators have access by default. – hyperslug – 2009-09-20T01:49:39.587

+1 Correct, the current user who made the change and anyone in the Administrators group have access by default – William Hilsum – 2009-09-20T01:51:43.377


This is where I found how to connect: in Explorer, expand Network node, right-click your home server, select "Connect with Remote Desktop Connection". You'll be connected with "Administrator" login and your WHS password in full mode.

Sergey Aldoukhov

Posted 2009-09-20T00:42:13.027

Reputation: 238

You were just looking for mstsc, eh? Anyway, Wil correctly answered the question as it was written, please consider accepting his answer. – hyperslug – 2009-09-22T00:53:43.640

I tried Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc) before asking the question, but somehow login did not work the first time. Maybe I put in an incorrect user name. – Sergey Aldoukhov – 2009-09-22T04:34:21.787