how to start automatically Ubuntu Update Manager / Ubuntu Software Centre downloads on a particular time of day



How do I automatically start Ubuntu Update Manager on a particular time of the day and make it download updates ?

Similarly, do I automatically update installed softwares (Ubuntu Software Center) on a particular time of the day and make downloads?


Posted 2012-06-21T00:34:37.217

Reputation: 119



Install cron-apt:

sudo apt-get install cron-apt

Edit config-file:

sudo gedit /etc/cron.d/cron-apt

comment the line: (put '#' in front of it)

0 0 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/cron-apt && /usr/sbin/cron-apt

Add these lines to the end of the file:

Every day (midnight)

0 0 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/cron-apt && /usr/sbin/cron-apt

Save the file.

For more information see:


Posted 2012-06-21T00:34:37.217

Reputation: 119


You can either set apt-get to update and upgrade in cron.daily or you could simply use cron-apt. There is also an unattended-upgrades package but I haven't used it.

Unless there is a reason that you only want to work with the Ubuntu Update-Manager/Software-Center, although I can't see why.

It's an issue that has been answered in various locations, so here are some references:


Posted 2012-06-21T00:34:37.217

Reputation: 371

What is the command to start the Update Manager and to tell to install? What is the command to start the automatic update in software center installed software? – Optimight – 2012-07-02T10:54:49.843

I am trying to use 'Schedule tasks' downloaded from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Software Center. – Optimight – 2012-07-02T10:57:16.110

@gladiator2345 I appreciate Astyanax's answer. But I was looking for specific instructions like I have put in my answer today. After following the answer by Astyanax,which was very helpful to find the solution, but I struggled to get the actual solution. – Optimight – 2012-07-06T23:54:19.340


You might want to take a look at unattended upgrades. While that doesn't say anything about when they will take place, another good howto can be found here which works without additional software, and to me looks more like a direct answer to your question. Though you might want to substitute the cron-part from "daily" to something more precise. You might heck this Cron Howto for details on how to handle that.


Posted 2012-06-21T00:34:37.217

Reputation: 3 187