can I get ConEmu to "mark to copy"?



I installed ConEmu last week, thought I'd give it a try vs. Console2. After staring at various config options for 10 minutes I didn't see any way to get ConEmu to automatically copy text that I've selected to the clipboard. Console2 will do it.

Is there a config option for this that I missed? I sure didn't see one but the configuration of ConEmu is a bit... jumbled.

You'd think it would be on the Mark & Paste screen:

enter image description here


Posted 2012-06-18T19:51:14.927

Reputation: 3 737



  1. Update to a version >= 120617a
  2. Option "Auto copy" on the "Mark & Paste" page. Check it.

ConEmu 120617a

Please note. In latest developer builds (like 120717) option was renamed to "Copy on LButton up"

ConEmu 120717


Posted 2012-06-18T19:51:14.927

Reputation: 19 395

Yeah? I sure don't see it. Added the screen to the OP. – jcollum – 2012-06-18T20:05:45.893

1@jcollum You should've mentioned the version. The versions in both screenshots do not match. ;) – iglvzx – 2012-06-18T20:12:46.197


Check Whats new, new options appears quickly ;)

– Maximus – 2012-06-18T20:15:07.123

@iglvzx indeed. I just downloaded this app last week. Apparently Auto Copy was added between now and then. 120617a.x64 has it. – jcollum – 2012-06-18T20:15:34.537

1I had to turn off the Left Shift modifier on Text Selection to get this to work. – jcollum – 2012-06-18T20:18:45.267

@Maximus here's a feature request: selecting across lines and copying text results in 1 line when pasted -- my #1 complaint about windows cmd/powershell vs bash – jcollum – 2012-06-18T20:20:29.773

I thought about it, but have not found accurate method of "real \r\n" detection. So, was postponed. Only way I see - if end of console line has more than two spases - it is "new line" – Maximus – 2012-06-18T20:29:57.780

in latest version, under keys & Macro --> Mark & Paste --> Text Selection: select with mouse, you can select using left Shift key by default. – lwpro2 – 2013-02-28T04:24:28.670

How do you disable it in the current alpha version? I unticked Copy on Left Button release, but it still does it. – CMCDragonkai – 2014-05-01T04:05:43.310

Just checked. It does not. – Maximus – 2014-05-01T10:03:59.223