How does one install Python3 on cygwin? I tried running the Python install in cygwin with no success.
The version I am looking for is >= 3.1, and I was able to install 2.7 successfully under cygwin (which comes with 2.6 as the default).
By the way, I would like to run Python3 as python3 and not python. I don't want conflicts with the default python binaries that come with cygwin.
when I do
which python
in cygwin terminal, it prints/cygdrive/d/Programs/python/python-3.6.6-amd64/python
(that is it refers to the Windows python). When I dowhich python3
in cygwin terminal, it prints/usr/bin/python3
(this one is the one which I installed through cygwin setup). Do I need to fix this? – Maha – 2018-06-19T10:05:42.483@Mahesha999 I suspect you'll get a better response and more visibility if you ask your question as a new question, rather than here. – me_and – 2018-06-20T12:11:43.637
yeah may be but I am equally anxious that people may downvote it – Maha – 2018-06-20T12:13:20.867
@Mahesha999 If you're clear about what you're asking, why you're asking, and what research you've already done, I find people very rarely downvote; IME downvoting questions tends to only be for the most egregiously unclear ones, not least because it costs people points to downvote. – me_and – 2018-06-21T12:42:41.960
super brilliant answer – Kumar Abhinav – 2020-01-24T04:26:14.737
brilliant! thanks for keeping the question in mind! – eqb – 2012-07-28T19:35:07.140
can't vote up, not enough rep :( – eqb – 2012-07-28T19:35:53.710
@ethiopianqubit you should be able to Mark this answer as accepted regardless of your rep, though - just click on the grey tick. – me_and – 2012-07-29T11:06:02.407