How can I configure GIMP 2.8 to be a single window in XMonad?



I'm trying to get GIMP to display as a single window in XMonad. Currently, it's floating strangely in front of every other display and I can't use it.

I have tried reading this:

But it seems this is for versions of GIMP before 2.8 when there wasn't the option to have GIMP use only 1 window. Because of this, it's an XMonad problem, not a GIMP one.

How can I do this?


Posted 2012-06-14T17:19:26.703

Reputation: 334

I wish GIMP/Steam/Evince would stop trying to badly manage windows and leave the window manager to do its job! – Mark K Cowan – 2017-01-16T23:59:04.370

Whats your Xmonad version? – Nima G – 2012-06-21T13:09:42.583

@Nima version 0.10-4 – Pubby – 2012-06-21T22:51:07.763

Ok can you provide your xmonad.hs? – Nima G – 2012-06-22T09:00:18.803

@Nima The only thing I have changed in it are different keybindings, otherwise it's the default. – Pubby – 2012-06-24T00:09:40.040



Gimp 2.8 has an option under the "Windows" menu titled "Single Window Mode". Check that, and restart Gimp.

pic of option in gimp


Posted 2012-06-14T17:19:26.703

Reputation: 9 633

Uh, maybe a whoops... Does this option not help with Xmonad? Go on people, flame me... {sigh} – lornix – 2012-06-19T03:42:50.043

I have that option checked but XMonad is treating it strangely and floating it in front of everything else. – Pubby – 2012-06-19T03:51:56.643

@Pubby: Try to dock the floating windows to the right and left sides of the central window. – harrymc – 2012-06-19T13:53:49.573


OK, I had the same problem and figured out the best solution (at least for me) while I was looking online for one: Simply go to window -> single-window mode. Then make the window go to fullscreen with mod + t (this is the default binding).

I know the first part was already answered, but that part alone only gets all gimp windows together in one, it still is a floating window, and I don't like that in my xmonad.


Posted 2012-06-14T17:19:26.703

Reputation: 1


I'll try again.

How to unfloat Gimp

The link has quite a bit of information on using Xmonad. Several references to this page.

One more, specifically concerning Gimp:

look in the responses below the main part of the article

The relevant part:

But xmonad also floats all gimp windows by default. I use this to avoid floating the main two windows:

managehook = composeall [
    gimp "toolbox" --> (ask >>= doF . W.sink),
    gimp "image-window" --> (ask >>= doF . W.sink),
    manageHook defaultConfig
where gimp win = (className =? “Gimp” (fmap (win `isSuffixOf`) role))
role = stringProperty “WM_WINDOW_ROLE”


Posted 2012-06-14T17:19:26.703

Reputation: 9 633

I think I'm just going to quit now while I'm ahead... I just posted the SAME link... {Sigh} I'm terribly sorry to have bothered you.. Any chance on some love for the SECOND link? – lornix – 2012-06-19T04:03:13.770