Condense Chrome extension buttons



Chrome extensions are starting to take up real estate in my browser window:

enter image description here

Is it possible to hide these buttons or display them more economically?

Joe Mornin

Posted 2012-06-12T11:04:14.937

Reputation: 1 399

1You can drag the extension bar to the right to have the UI create a drop down link of your installed extension. You could also just right click and choose hide extension – Ramhound – 2012-06-12T13:03:48.910



Resizing the address bar

It seems like you can simply drag your address bar bigger:
A double-arrow appears when hovering over the right edge of the address bar
Then your icons will be collapsed:
The extension icons are collapsed to a little arrow

Hiding single buttons

You can hide single icons, by right-clicking on them and choosing Hide button:
enter image description here

You can then re-enable the button through the Extensions menu:
enter image description here

Der Hochstapler

Posted 2012-06-12T11:04:14.937

Reputation: 77 228

Found this useful for enabling and disbaling extensions in a few clicks, without the need to visit chrome://extensions --

– MrU – 2016-01-10T08:29:49.833

Is it possible to put them in something like a dropdown menu? It would be a hassle to have to re-show the button each time I want to use an extension. – Joe Mornin – 2012-06-12T11:39:27.280