Is there a USB power consumption meter?



For example, how could I measure the normal power consumption of my USB keyboard?

After I get my statistics, I may easily notice when a hardware keylogger gets installed, by the changed power consumption.


Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 5 291

1What is your real question or problem? Do you want to know how much your keyboard consumes (if so, why)? Do you actually just want to know whether there's a keylogger installed? Is your question purely hypothetical or are you in a situation where you suspect a keylogger being installed? – slhck – 2012-06-08T16:13:54.440

2If a hardware keylogger is installed, you should notice by actually seeing the device sitting between the usb port and the keyboard connector. – psusi – 2012-06-08T23:46:48.940

1The question is hypothetical. I'm just curious about how to know the consumption for no particular reason. On the other hand, a hardware keylogger would be installed inside the case of my keyboard, I think. Then it would be hard to spot, or else it would be pointless. – n611x007 – 2012-06-09T07:07:02.590

This question is off topic per the Site Help *"You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face."*

– Scott Chamberlain – 2013-06-10T14:31:25.787

@ScottChamberlain interesting point. I think I face the problem that I cannot test another problem without a tool to measure it. How could I face the problem of having a logger installed into my keyboard if I cannot check if I face it? :) So the way to check it is a problem itself. – n611x007 – 2013-06-10T14:39:33.770

I have never seen a consumer level hardware key-logger that goes inside the keyboard, only things that go in-line in the usb/ps2 cord. If you are doing anything that you could be a target of a non consumer level keyloger (ie a corporate or government entity placed it there) it is not your responsibility to be checking for it, talk to your IT department about your suspicions and they will have the tools to check.

– Scott Chamberlain – 2013-06-10T14:45:37.697



USB current/voltage meters exist. Here's one on Amazon (though unfortunately out of stock at the moment). Here's the same model on eBay (from Germany, but ships worldwide).

enter image description here

Alternatively, if you're up for a bit of DIY, see this project on Instructables. You'll need a multimeter, though, because that's just a passive passthrough connector that simply provides a couple of test points.


Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 21 756

Thanks, I like it. I'll wait a bit to see if a computer-based solution comes up, in case if it's possible. On the other hand the computer would be also a target for such an attack, while a newly bought/made usb c/v meter won't. :) – n611x007 – 2012-06-09T07:11:29.197

i'll just provide some further identification related things from your links PC Computer Check Diagnostic USB Port Voltage Current Tester Checker Extend Cable by Winter El. Co. on amazon. And, UPT- 0049 USB-Port-Spannungs- + Strommesser [7739] on ebay from seller m-ware. I could ask him re this... but could ask you perhaps. I see it's rectangular. On one side is a USB cable hardwired in, on the other There is a female usb socket and a power supply socket on it. does it need the power supply socket, and for what? – barlop – 2013-05-09T09:45:02.130

1+1 just to add. I have tried the device, and while it has the socket, no power supply is necessary(so who knows why it's there). it has a little switch for volts or amps, and shows volts and amps nicely. though it hasn't given me any insight into why my usb hdd is recognized in one computer and not another. The one I got , same thing, on ebay, was called PC USB 2.0 Cable Device Voltage Current Meter Tester Item Number 290754313719 $14.25 USD – barlop – 2013-05-09T11:52:56.157


The above device is hard to find now though there is USB charger doctor and

– barlop – 2013-10-17T03:46:56.583


You didn't specify, but I know Windows (and probably other modern OS's) will tell you how much power is "required" for each attached USB device in the properties of each "USB Root Hub" in the Device Manager.

USB Root Hub Properties

Regardless of that, unless you're talking about a physical hardware keylogger that has to be in-line with the keyboard, then you're not going to be able to detect it by electrical draw in the way you are suggesting (by watching the keyboard).


Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 103 763

As I noticed, it doesn't show values more than 500mAh, even when the device real requirement is more (e.g. 1A like for Raspberry)... – Suncatcher – 2017-07-10T10:40:52.030

there is possible to know actual consumption but it should be implemented on motherboard (or external USB controller) and is part of SMB over I2C. Some driver and coding required. On linux it's easier, because content /sys folder exposes those options,if driver support is present. – Swift – 2019-09-15T11:10:13.647

7Please note that the "Power required" data is whatever the usb devices is reporting as its maximum, it's not an actual measurement. Nothing prevents a device from reporting 100 mA and actually drawing more (up to a limit, of course). So, if you have an in-line keylogger, it will not be reflected here since the USB keyboard does not know about it. – haimg – 2012-06-08T17:43:18.990

1@haimg and techie007, Thanks for both answer and comment. – n611x007 – 2012-06-09T06:59:12.880


I would recommend this USB power meter...

I use it and it works great. Better than hacking up cables and trying to tie in a multimeter.

Gunther Hess

Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 47

The store page doesn't exist any more. Can you provide the product name? – Qwerty – 2018-01-10T13:16:00.033

worth knowing, but worth noting that the one you suggest is many times more expensive than one or two already mentioned. though your has some longevity in availability,as it's still sold. – barlop – 2013-10-17T03:49:40.120


Just as an additional option: USBDeview utility from NirSoft.

enter image description here

Although it also shows negotiable power consumption that device tells to the USB bus, it is fairly useful for those who have USB3.0 controller, as it lacks correspondent applet in Windows Device Manager.


Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 908


Just to add Mac info to the overall solution…

You can see data for each hub & device from
 menu > About this Mac > System Report > USB...

enter image description here


Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 22 456

This still has the added problem it will still report what the device says is the case. – Ramhound – 2015-02-04T19:20:31.403

Not sure it does, but don't have any hard proof - I have devices that show 'available 500, required 8' etc. As the OP was worried about a key logger - if one was there, it would at least show in the list, whatever its power requirement was [edit - more I re-read the OP, more paranoid it sounds - I doubt there's any real answer to that] – Tetsujin – 2015-02-04T19:24:59.740

I am pretty sure it does. A USB device can report itself has anything it wants during that initial communication to determine what drivers will be needed to communicate with it further. – Ramhound – 2015-02-04T19:28:42.027


I haven't tried it but you could get a regular Mains Power Meter plug and unplug the keyboard and measure the difference.

What I have tried, is you could also connect a multimeter in series and measure the current. Like break the usb cable and connect your multimeter in between. If somebody can describe that process fully then that'd be great and a better answer than mine. Given the Voltage(5V) and current/amps, you can measure the Power/watts.
Power(P) = Current(I) * Voltage(V)

added- now tried indrek's solution.. PC USB 2.0 Cable Device Voltage Current Meter Tester


Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 18 677


There seems to be one at AdaFruit, called USB Charger Doctor. It looks simple, but efficient.


Posted 2012-06-08T16:05:09.143

Reputation: 1 307


I see they ship from New York. "International orders are shipped using USPS which is the US Postal Service." In recent lights, this may (unfortunately) also be relevant: NSA reportedly installing spyware on US-made hardware

– n611x007 – 2014-08-08T14:35:36.370

I also use one of them and I'm quite happy with it. – Axel Beckert – 2017-06-20T17:46:42.463