What is the simplest way to change the login background in Fedora (17)?



I want to change the login screen of my Fedora 17 box. I found some instructions on the web saying a lot about manually editing gconf settings:

$ su -
$ su - gdm -s /bin/bash
$ `dbus-launch | sed "s/^/export /"`
$ GSETTINGS_BACKEND=dconf gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file:///usr/share/backgrounds/<filename>"

Isn't there a simpler way?


Posted 2012-06-07T18:30:21.750

Reputation: 1 167

See http://fabhax.com/technology/change-wallpapers-in-gnome-3.4/ for a step by step instruction on how to change each of the three wallpapers on GNOME 3. This article is written for Debian though.

– Susam Pal – 2012-10-16T04:25:24.153



Here is a simple way without installing additional packages:

$ su -
$ xhost +si:localuser:gdm
$ sudo -u gdm gnome-control-center


Posted 2012-06-07T18:30:21.750

Reputation: 86

In my opinion this is even simpler than gdm3setup because it does not require installing an rpm beforehand. – Rodja – 2012-06-12T18:36:22.490


Chaange the image in the directory



Posted 2012-06-07T18:30:21.750

Reputation: 41


Why do all that work? why not just change: /usr/share/backgrounds/beefy-miracle/default/wide/beefy-miracle.png to the image you want?

Neal Bailey

Posted 2012-06-07T18:30:21.750

Reputation: 21


Give this a shot. I was trying the method you listed yesterday, and after running this file, I got everything working! I don't know if I had to take some of the steps listed above, or if this thing will run right out of the package, but its worth a shot!

It's called gdm3setup, and if you click view raw on the website attached, it should download as an .rpm file and you should be able to install it with the package installer. Way easier.

Also attached is a screenshot of the running program, there are some pretty cool things to tweak in there!

Matthew Tochterman

Posted 2012-06-07T18:30:21.750

Reputation: 11

screenshot's missing – Sathyajith Bhat – 2012-06-11T11:04:24.830

Thanks for the rpm. Would be great to have a repo for it. – Rodja – 2012-06-11T11:20:54.197