Is there a KeePass profile that includes uppercase and special characters?


I'd like a keepass profile that generates passwords like A@2f701@4fvzq The only formats I see are MAC Address and all lowercase and digits.

Is there a way to setup a profile with more entropy?

(Remember, many services limit then length of the passwords used)


Posted 2012-06-06T16:21:19.877

Reputation: 9 293



You can create a new custom profile

  • Click the Generate a Password button

KeePass Generate Password Button

  • Select Open Password Generator

KeePass Generate Password drop-down

  • Check the options you wish to use and then press the SAVE icon

KeePass Generate Password dialog

  • Give your new profile a name and press okay

KeePass Save New Password Profile

  • Once saved, your profile will be listed with the other options in your dropdown.

KeePass Generate Password drop-down revised

Jeremy W

Posted 2012-06-06T16:21:19.877

Reputation: 3 529