Search NFS network volume from OS X client


I asked: How does a Mac OSX SL or Lion user search the cluster for a particular file (foo.txt)

From the cluster, you would need to run some form of recursive lookup for the file desired. As an example, using 'find'.

RAM-1# find /ifs |grep test.txt

I would suggest contacting Apple support regarding their recommendation for searching for files on remote file systems from the Mac client itself

That's great, but I don't want users using CLU!

Anyone know a good non-CLI method? Spotlight is not an option. The cluster is roughly 80 TB.

Tom S

Posted 2012-06-06T15:52:47.847

Reputation: 25



A better command would be

find /ifs -name "test.txt" -print

The OSX simple Find from the Finder unfortunately uses Spotlight and needs an index to be created first - so will not work in your case.

For a GUI look at programs like EasyFind

But with 80TB - well really more the number of files - searching will take a long time - might it not be better to provide some form of indexing ather than use raw search.

There are also commercial searching solutions like Google Search Appliance which is a program and/or dedicated server that runs in your site.


Posted 2012-06-06T15:52:47.847

Reputation: 5 312

1find /ifs |grep test.txt is Unix?! (It's just not very beautiful..) – slhck – 2012-06-06T17:29:35.623

Thanks very much! Works like a charm and is surprisingly fast...! – Tom S – 2012-06-06T19:14:24.923