How to make the bookmark bar of Google Chrome bigger?



I have many bookmarks that I'd like to show in the bookmark bar. How to make the bookmark bar of Google Chrome bigger, for example, let it show two rows of bookmark icons? If impossible, is there some extension that can essential help me having a big bookmark bar?


Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 6 739

Any updates on this so far? – tubbie – 2016-06-08T22:26:57.833



Officially no. There are workarounds though, like grouping bookmarks in folders or using extensions.

Some ideas of extensions: Bookmark Bar Switcher which lets you switch between multiple bookmark bars or Iconized Bookmarks Bar which helps you gain space on the bookmarks bar by adding icons instead of text.


Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 616

4You can edit out the text for any chrome bookmark, which leaves just the icon, right click on any bookmark and select edit, blank the name field, this works for url bookmarks. – Moab – 2012-06-06T00:39:24.497


Simple answer is, it's not possible. If you want to check out all of the Google Chrome bookmark extensions, just search Google's official Web Store for bookmarks.

Your best bet is to sort them into folders and name the folders short one word names. This is what I did when I realized that I was running out of space.

Here is example of my Chrome bookmark bar:

chrome bookmarks bar with folders


Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 6 843


If you want to save space, just use the icons by entering in blank names for the bookmarks you often use on your bookmark bar. :)



Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 41

I have more than 200 such icons already. – qazwsx – 2015-10-22T21:40:23.893


I has same problem, I installed for convenient i move my bookmarks (folders) to "other bookmarks" to separate bookmarks and conclude that you can use native other bookmarks, it faster and lighter. But it was very convenient that can change height of bookmarks panel

Вакарев Дмитрий

Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 21

1How is this better than accepted answer? – Toto – 2018-05-26T12:50:57.917


What I've done to save space is basically the same as what the previous person wrote; i.e. edit the bookmarks so that they're only the icons and not the text (except in a couple cases where the icons were the same [like for multiple instances where the bookmark in question goes to a google sheets document, or a folder].picture of my bookmarks bar


Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 11


there are also extensions you can get to make your own icons, which helps in differentiating folders and icons that would otherwise be identical


– SunTzu – 2016-05-09T18:04:28.533

Please don't duplicate an existing answer. Your answer is likely to be deleted. Either show a new solution or find some other question to answer. Read [answer] before answering. – user 99572 is fine – 2016-05-09T20:45:25.623

I do this too, sometimes shortening a folder's name to as short as a single character '音'. But on top of that, I still feel the one-row space as not sufficient for my need. – qazwsx – 2016-05-12T18:25:43.013


I decided to look through the Chrome Web Store (to try to find an extension for another question) and I found the following:

  1. Bookmarks Bar Skipper

    • This extension was last edited on Feb. 10, 2019.
  2. Swappable

    • This extension was last edited on March 8, 2015.

I have not actually tested them out, but based on what a few associates of mine have stated, 'Bookmarks Bar Skipper' is the better of the two.

C0L0R-BL1ND N355

Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 23


I just edit the descriptions to make them smaller, allowing more to fit. Try simple 3 character abbreviations. Right click on the bookmark in the bar to edit it.


Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 1

That does not work for me. I have more. – qazwsx – 2015-10-22T21:40:41.740


I put them in alphabetical folders with sub-folders in those and then dragged the bookmarks into the sub-folders. Drag them by the folder icon next to the address bar, but most of you probably already know how to do that. You can make the sub-folder and then drag it on top of the alphabetical folder.


Posted 2012-06-05T21:27:39.103

Reputation: 1

This doesn't answer the question. The author wants all of the bookmarks accessible from the bookmark bar, not buried away in a folder. – nc4pk – 2016-01-10T22:15:51.040