websites resolving in browser but not resolving in CLI. Can ping IP but not domain name (unknown host)


Hi guys I'm currently developing using rails and for some reason bundle install is returning the following output

Error Bundler::HTTPError during request to dependency API
Fetching full source index from
Could not reach

I've discovered that pinging by domain name keeps returning an unknown host.

The browser is still resolving web pages just fine and I've managed to confirm that the problem is localized (i.e. the rubygems page isn't down). I'm completely lost so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Posted 2012-06-04T12:49:07.543

Reputation: 121

Is the browser and cli on the same machine, and are you running a proxy server? – Paul – 2012-06-04T13:15:30.873

@Paul They're running on the same machine – tjkoding – 2012-06-04T13:24:35.533

if you ping another host does it work? – devius – 2012-06-04T14:01:20.320

Does the web browser have a proxy configured? – user1686 – 2012-06-04T14:31:05.057

@grawity the web browser doesn't have a proxy configured – tjkoding – 2012-06-05T15:50:06.010

@devius I can ping and that seems to work fine, I've also tried pinging and whilst it's a lot slower it doesn't seem to end in packet loss. – tjkoding – 2012-06-05T15:51:38.207

There's probably something wrong with your DNS configuration. Take a look in the /etc/resolv.conf file and the files under /etc/resolvconf/ and see if there's something fishy going on there. In theory the IPs you see there should match your network settings in the GUI. Also, try configuring your network connection with a static IP if you haven't done so already. – devius – 2012-06-05T17:33:51.870

For some reason the problem wouldn't go away when I rebooted the computer but logging in and out fixed it. Might just be coincidence but happy enough with that. I noticed that the problem kept happening after I'd come home from university (where I do use a proxy). I'd been triple checking that the proxy was turned off but I'm guessing Ubuntu kept the proxy on the terminal for some reason. Logging in and out seems to have fixed it. – tjkoding – 2012-06-06T10:13:53.887



When you ping, you shouldn't add a slash after the domain. Thus:






Posted 2012-06-04T12:49:07.543

Reputation: 2 387