Git - List all files currently under source control?



Is there a way to list all files currently under source control in git? (Not just those that have been modified).


Posted 2012-05-28T13:12:22.100

Reputation: 1 731



If you want to list all files for a specific branch, e.g. master:

git ls-tree -r master --name-only

The -r option will let it recurse into subdirectories and print each file currently under version control. You can also specify HEAD instead of master to get the list for any other branch you might be in.

If you want to get a list of all files that ever existed, see here:

git log --pretty=format: --name-only --diff-filter=A  | sort -u


Posted 2012-05-28T13:12:22.100

Reputation: 182 472

8Running "git ls-files" will save you a few characters :) – Zain R – 2015-05-14T21:30:21.990

Why was cut given the ending -? It causes some additional lines to show some files in a second column which are repeats from the first. – Adrian – 2019-04-15T13:06:40.487

@Adrian No idea, copypasted back then, fixed now. – slhck – 2019-04-15T13:09:54.100

Replace master with $(git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2) for current branch. – Eduard – 2019-08-09T19:33:31.917

1Thanks slhck, exactly what I was after - and useful to know about the second one too. Will mark as correct in 5 and a half minutes when I'm allowed. :-) – Anonymous – 2012-05-28T13:21:32.310

4Thanks for the answer. I was looking for this. Note that git ls-tree -r master --name-only would do the same as the first option, without needing the cut. Ah, and you can specify HEAD instead of master if you just want this list for whatever branch you are currently on. – maurits – 2012-09-13T10:15:42.407


The git ls-files command will do what you need.


Mihai Capotă

Posted 2012-05-28T13:12:22.100

Reputation: 793

@JonnyJD, probably marked invalid because your edit should be a comment. – Ascherer – 2014-10-12T20:16:17.160

1@JonnyJD All Git man-pages are named as git-commit, git-init, git-ls-files, etc. even though the programs are actually subcommands. There never was a git-ls-files binary, most likely. The reasoning is that it's consistent with the external subcommand mechanism, which allows you to register a git foo command by writing a git-foo binary. – Radon Rosborough – 2017-07-19T16:50:08.153

5git ls-files instead of git ls-tree -r master --name-only is certainly simpler. – karatedog – 2013-10-22T08:14:05.767

1Sorry but my edit wasn't invalid. In current git there is no git-ls-files binary. There is the git binary with the ls-files command. The link to the documentation is correct in content, but technically for an outdated binary. – JonnyJD – 2014-01-11T03:09:09.050


git ls-files will only print files in the current working directory.

If, for instance, you have a git repo for dotfiles (core.worktree = /), then you will have files outside the git root and that simple command won't work anymore.

In short, this will work:

git --git-dir "`git rev-parse --git-dir`" \
    -C "`git config core.worktree || pwd`" \


mkdir ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
git config core.worktree /

# Ignore all files by default, else Git will find all files under "/"
echo "*" > .git/info/exclude

# Add files at the git repo's root and somewhere in the work tree
touch README
git add -f README
git add -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# `git status` would now print:
# new file:   ../../../etc/ssh/sshd_config
# new file:   README
git status

git commit -m "Initial commit"

# At this point, `git ls-files` prints only:
git ls-files

# But you can print all files inside the work tree. This will print:
# etc/ssh/sshd_config
# home/yourusername/dotfiles/README
git --git-dir "`git rev-parse --git-dir`" -C "`git config core.worktree || pwd`" ls-files

If you want paths specified relative to your current (shell) directory, this does the job:

alias gls='git ls-tree -r master --name-only HEAD "`git config core.worktree`"'

and in the example above, it would print



Posted 2012-05-28T13:12:22.100

Reputation: 438

In git v2.21, git ls-files shows all in the current directory and below. It just doesn't show files that were deleted in the repo. – Adrian – 2019-04-15T13:17:35.563


You can also use the gitk interactive repository viewer.


Posted 2012-05-28T13:12:22.100

Reputation: 475


This mentions a tool, but doesn't really answer the "how". Can you expand this into an actionable solution? Just pointing someone in a research direction for them to develop their own solution is more appropriate as a comment. Thanks. from review

– fixer1234 – 2018-03-12T22:39:36.530



Please have a look at the image, on right side there are two options patch and Tree. If you select tree, you can view the folder structure for each commit.

Amarnath MB

Posted 2012-05-28T13:12:22.100

Reputation: 1

2Please consider a better commit to screen shot so you do not have to censor as much. – Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen – 2019-05-14T11:25:44.987