What does Windows XP do at shutdown?



We've all had to wait for Windows to shut down, and some of us have to wait so long that we have to turn off the computer & turn it back on. Mine usually sits forever on "Windows is shutting down" (it's there when I come back the next morning!)

So what does Windows actually do that is so important that it needs to hold things up?


Posted 2009-09-17T21:46:54.080

Reputation: 307

NOT forcibly kill things that don't want to die, in many cases.
I've had CD-writing software force me to hard-reset, as they locked the drive then crashed. Windows wouldn't reboot!
– Phoshi – 2009-09-17T21:49:51.373

I used to have to press enter to finish the shutdown once the disk stopped churning. It seems SOMETHING was prompting for a key press, and you can't see the text console behind the shutting down screen. – dlamblin – 2009-09-18T01:37:05.610



It waits for all apps to shut down, it saves all its settings and it probably makes a cup of tea to drink before going to bed :)

On a more serious note, you can read more about the whole shutdown process here (really technical stuff).


Posted 2009-09-17T21:46:54.080

Reputation: 16 172

You forgot to mention jam and bread, and on Thursdays, Windows fancies scones too! – caliban – 2009-09-17T21:50:11.827

3+1 for accurately pointing out that tea is needed. – caliban – 2009-09-17T21:51:11.667

@caliban: Go to sleep! :) – alex – 2009-09-17T21:51:13.430

1I once had a windows that preferred coffee. Needless to say, I reformatted quickly. – Phoshi – 2009-09-17T21:52:40.980

@alex: wet blanket. ;) Good morrow then, have a great weekend! – caliban – 2009-09-17T21:53:13.053

Yeah, my work PC probably drinks redbull all day. I have to kill explorer.exe every time I shut down my PC and then wait a couple of minutes before it figures out I actually want to go home. A couple of times I left work only to find it still shutting down the next day (have no idea what happened). – alex – 2009-09-17T21:55:12.753

@caliban: Thanks, same to you! I'll probably lose my woot badge, unfortunately. Won't be back until Monday :( – alex – 2009-09-17T21:56:23.920

You can't lose something you don't have :·þ ... so you'll just delay the badge :-) – Joey – 2009-09-18T04:55:43.690

@Johannes Sad, but true :) – alex – 2009-09-18T05:49:35.343

@alex the fantastic link is dead (more of a reason to always post a snippet of the actual text from the article), can you find it again pretty please? – Timo Huovinen – 2013-12-16T19:40:30.527


the Event Log is always a good place to start your investigation.

Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer

We've all had to wait for Windows to shut down, and some of us have to wait so long that we have to turn off the computer & turn it back on.

as a workaround (not a solution!) you may resort to Superfast Shutdown (it does what it says on the tin).


Posted 2009-09-17T21:46:54.080


I think the corollary is what exactly does Superfast Shutdown do differently, and is it safe? – dlamblin – 2009-09-18T01:39:29.833

it is safe to use. of course, if you're having unsaved documents open, then changes will be lost. mind you, in this case it is a workaround, NOT a solution. however, i'm using SF Reboot regularly with 'DeepFrozen' computers in schools and internet cafes, etc. it works just fine. does what it says on the tin. – None – 2009-09-18T01:54:02.917

Keep in mind that user programs are pretty much the first to go on shutdown; the mentioned program probably also skips writing the disk cache to disk and other things. You might end up with a slower startup after that while NTFS heals itself – Joey – 2009-09-18T05:05:38.397


You can set it to force kill any horrible apps - it should shut down within seconds, not days!

Rich Bradshaw

Posted 2009-09-17T21:46:54.080

Reputation: 6 324

1and where is that setting? – nnyby – 2009-09-17T23:43:52.940


Windows saves all your settings and everything that you did. Profile Hive Cleanup has helped me with my shutdown, I wonder why no one mentioned it.

Timo Huovinen

Posted 2009-09-17T21:46:54.080

Reputation: 551


Newflash, Walter Cronkite - it's not Windows. It's probably some processes that's having some problems shutting down, and since that processes never shuts down, Windows similarly won't power down too.

A finely-tuned Windows system shuts down really fast.


Posted 2009-09-17T21:46:54.080

Reputation: 18 979