Opera - Print web page to PDF without the title and footer?



I am using Opera 11.64 and 12 and I want to remove the title and footer text when printing to PDF. In Firefox, I can customize the PDF before it is printed, but such settings aren't as apparent in Opera. I only want the content. How can I remove the title, date, page number, and URL when printing to PDF?


Posted 2012-05-19T03:22:50.647

Reputation: 1 784

Which version of Opera? – iglvzx – 2012-05-19T03:36:46.903

@iglvzx: My Opera version is 11.64 and 12. I'm using it mainly in Linux. – Gigamegs – 2012-05-19T03:40:13.337

Great. Thanks for also adding this info to your question. – iglvzx – 2012-05-19T03:41:38.363

To clarify, the title and footer are included when you use Print Preview or a different printer? I'm guessing this is not strictly related to PDF. – iglvzx – 2012-05-19T03:52:04.373


Do you mean what Aardvark is doing? https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/aardvark-for-opera/

– 0xC0000022L – 2012-05-19T03:56:19.757



You can remove the header and footer by going to opera:config and disabling the Show Printer Header preference. Be sure to save the changes!


Note: You could also clear the individual Print Left Header String, Print Right Header String, Print Left Footer String and Print Right Footer String fields.


Posted 2012-05-19T03:22:50.647

Reputation: 21 611


To just disable header and footer completely you could simply untick Print->Print Options->Print headers and footers. Using the Preferences Editor is only necessary if you want to customize header and footer.

Gurken Papst

Posted 2012-05-19T03:22:50.647

Reputation: 3 874