I have installed Debian without any additional packages or software. I would now like to install a X windowing system. I've tried out Gnome before but the resolution is really low and I can't set it higher, apparently because there's no Graphics card drivers...
Now I'm not completely sure it's the windowing system's fault, and I may need to tinker with Debian itself to get the resolution - but I remember installing Ubuntu a while ago and it had support for high resolutions straight away (I'm not completely sure if this was just because of Virtual box guest additions) so is there a windowing system that will also take care of this for me?
Which graphics card? Do you want the proprietary drivers or the open source ones? Which Debian version? -1 for lack of relevant detail. – Daniel Andersson – 2012-05-16T05:33:58.407
I did a large edit of the question, but what's left is the actual question. The window manager has nothing to do with installing the drivers. – Daniel Andersson – 2012-05-16T05:34:51.433
The main reason for not getting the higher resolution was me using an older Kernel - I upgraded to 3.2 and my core i3's integrated graphics is now supported - so I have the higher resolutions available! – Aditya M P – 2012-07-16T19:09:46.710