Adobe CS5.1; I want the measure tool as the default; when I use Ctrl-I, the measure (ruler) tool appears... is this sort of thing possible?


I scan many slides, transparencies, and negatives. I need to straighten them often. I would like the ruler/measurement tool under CTRL-I to remain as the default with eveery start of Photoshop. Is it possible to make it the default instead of the eyedropper tool? Perhaps a shortcut key of its own might work as well... where one keystroke will bring it to the top... will it stay there? hmmm. . . I've just given myself an idea... (LOL)

Earl J

Posted 2012-05-15T16:23:24.130

Reputation: 11



You can assign shortcuts and have the ruler set to pop-up when you hit a key. Go Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Select Shortcuts for: Tools

PS should remember your tool you used last in the set and keep that at top, make sure you close properly for PS to "remember"


Posted 2012-05-15T16:23:24.130

Reputation: 3 403