What is the ⎋ key?



This tip just popped up in my phpStorm IDE (OS X):

The ⎋ key in any tool window moves the focus to the editor. ⇧⎋ moves the focus to the editor and also hides the current (or last active) tool window. The F12 key moves the focus from the editor to the last focused tool window.

I've never seen that key symbol before and Google returned nothing.

Anybody know the meaning of this mysterious key?

Scott Heath

Posted 2012-05-07T20:02:42.310


http://www.osxkeyboardshortcuts.com/keyboard-symbols.html – Felix – 2012-05-07T20:04:50.410



is another symbol for the Esc key. Like on other keyboards, on a Mac keyboard it's the key left of F1.


Posted 2012-05-07T20:02:42.310

Reputation: 616

1What key is this on the touch bar MacBook Pros? – evolutionxbox – 2017-02-14T10:54:50.650

"it's the key left of F1" makes the answer complete, however this is just hilarious. – Custodio – 2017-08-24T08:20:07.277

@evolutionxbox On the touchbar, it's labeled "esc". Yay consistency! – TarkaDaal – 2018-01-03T10:25:06.593

@TarkaDaal, lol, I know right! – Tash Pemhiwa – 2018-03-12T09:36:03.317

Rotfl, they created touchbar yet called it ESC instead of ⎋ ;d – Kamil Dziedzic – 2018-07-19T16:40:49.633

That's Apple for you: breaking tradition to get a more culturally neutral iconography (i.e it means "escape" without be spelled as abbreviated English). Again. – dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten – 2012-05-07T20:06:17.210

3It's not just comparable to Escape, it is Escape. ⎋ is merely the symbol for Escape the same way ⇧ is the symbol for Shift. – Coxy – 2012-05-08T00:19:20.903