Difference between wget and browser file downloading


I have a direct link http://oocairo.naquadah.org/dist/oocairo-1.4.tar.bz2

And it's downloading fine throught chromium web browser. But throught wget

$ wget http://oocairo.naquadah.org/dist/oocairo-1.4.tar.bz2
--2012-05-07 18:44:44--  http://oocairo.naquadah.org/dist/oocairo-1.4.tar.bz2
Parsing oocairo.naquadah.org... 2a02:2178:2:4::174,
Connecting to oocairo.naquadah.org|2a02:2178:2:4::174|:80... 

it's just hang. Why?


Posted 2012-05-07T14:18:27.420

Reputation: 917

Have you tried wget --user-agent="Chrome 9.5 Gecko 1.7" http://... already? – ott-- – 2012-05-07T15:00:12.540

post that as an answer – Sathyajith Bhat – 2012-05-07T15:54:49.227

I can't do it, while my reputation is less than 100. – Jofsey – 2012-05-07T19:18:32.770

@Lescott you should be able to do it now since 8 hours have passed by – Sathyajith Bhat – 2012-05-08T07:01:22.220

Done. (And some more text to overcome comment lenght limit.) – Jofsey – 2012-05-08T10:29:23.267



Problem was in IPv6 using. wget -4 http://oocairo.naquadah.org/dist/oocairo-1.4.tar.bz2 is working fine.


Posted 2012-05-07T14:18:27.420

Reputation: 917