My iPhone is synced with my home PC which is all working fine. What I want to do is plug my iPhone into my work mac and have it charge but not do any syncing.
The problem is that when I plug the iPhone into the mac it loads up iTunes. I understand that this is a good default behavior but the only reason I want to connect it is to charge so I don't want to have iTunes open up only to unmount the iPhone and close iTunes.
I have tried in the iTunes preferences checking the "Disable automatic syncing of iPhones and iPods" option but it still happens.
Does anyone know how to disable this behavior? My feeling is that is must be an OS setting not an iTunes one but I am lost as where to look.
possible duplicate of Prevent iTunes from starting when iPhone is plugged in on Mac
– D.W. – 2014-09-10T04:08:18.040Answers {1,2,3,4} minute(s) ago! Wow! – squircle – 2011-04-30T20:44:39.433
possible duplicate of How can you disable the auto startup of iTunes when connecting an iPhone?
– James Mertz – 2011-04-30T20:45:36.073