Can I use an iPad 3 as a wireless monitor?


I need a high-resolution monitor for multi-monitoring applications, but I don't have much room for a big TV. I had the idea of buying an iPad3 (2048x1536!) instead and sending the screen of a Windows XP running on a local computer over wlan. Is it possible without affecting the use experience - that is - 100% smooth? I've done the calculations for a 108mbits wlan (13500000bytes/s):

13500000 bytes/s / (3 bytes/pixel * (2056*1536) pixels/screen) = 1.42 screens/s

So I got a 1.5 fps without compression. With PNG compression plus sending only different pixels I guess it would be possible to reach a good 30fps; but I'm not sure if a computer is able to take 30 screen shots + compare 30 images + compress 30 images all in a sec. Is it?


Posted 2012-04-30T18:28:10.903

Reputation: 97

Question was closed 2013-03-09T19:06:00.783

There are at least a few remote desktop apps for iPad, that seems like a much easier solution. – Nick T – 2012-04-30T18:34:45.543

Yes but what I am trying to figure out is if they will be able to render a full windows screen at 30fps. – Dokkat – 2012-04-30T18:40:13.850



The only way this could be used as a monitor is if an application is written custom tailored for such purpose. I haven't heard of one, so I think you're swimming uphill on this one.

In reality, if you're buying an iPAD 3 for a monitor, you're wasting your money.

iPAD 3: Starting at $499, $599, $699 (all USD), and it goes up from there:

Assuming you have the connectivity, you could purchase MORE THAN two monitors, with height adjustable stands, and many more options:


Posted 2012-04-30T18:28:10.903

Reputation: 1 981

In my case, I had an iPad 2 already and wanted to make extra use of the great little screen. Even if it's small, it's a great addition when coding or editing photos. – abstrask – 2012-04-30T18:40:38.213

If you have an iPad 2, then why did you say iPad 3 in the title? Also, developing a game on a smaller screen is working against yourself, unless you are planning to release for that platform. In that case, using at as a monitor is not exactly the ideal environment, as that will not be how most people would be using the device. You would want to re-create the typical setup. – BloodyIron – 2012-04-30T18:44:30.493

3BloodyIron he is not the OP. – Dokkat – 2012-04-30T18:54:49.857

Was just explaining that while buying iPad with the sole purpose of using it as an extra monitor would indeed be silly, I too think it's a great idea if you happen to have an iPad anyway :-) – abstrask – 2012-04-30T19:03:39.527

@dokkat Lol whoops, my bad. – BloodyIron – 2012-04-30T19:04:46.473


"Without affecting user experience" and "100% smooth" - well, it depends on what you're displaying. Is it 100 fps gaming, HD video or...?

I use AirDisplay, which does an OK job.


Posted 2012-04-30T18:28:10.903

Reputation: 4 714

I need at least 30fps full screen updates. I'll be specifially programming a game. AirDisplay seems great, I'll look that. – Dokkat – 2012-04-30T18:41:04.007

LCD monitors, since they first were released for desktops, have all performed at least at 60hz, this means they draw at least 60 fimtes a second, hence they can handle up to 60fps. If you need more, you will need to get a 120hz monitor, or higher, and make sure it's properly configured. Where did you get the notion "30fps" was impossible on modern monitors? How bizzare! – BloodyIron – 2012-04-30T18:42:55.330

@BloodyIron - I think Dokkat wasn't doubting that a monitor can run 30fps, but was doubting that there's something that can process the data and send it to an iPad for display that fast. – Shinrai – 2012-04-30T18:47:03.183

1Again, it depends. Lots of things will affect your performance. Graphics are drawn differently on the screen, depending on whet ever it's a standard Windows program or a game, if you're using DirectX or something else. It's about what is best suited for whatever algorithm AirDisplay (or your product of choice) uses to send screen updates across. I highly doubt that AirDisplay (or any other program like it) actually takes 30 screenshots a second, compresses them and sends them across. Try it and see how it performs - it's not terribly expensive :-) – abstrask – 2012-04-30T18:47:23.463

It is not, but I have to buy the iPad before and I will only do it if it certainly can 'run' the XP. – Dokkat – 2012-04-30T18:57:41.787

1That's going to be tough then. Guess you have to see if you can borrow an iPad from i friend, spend the money for AirDisplay on his/her iPad and test. If it doesn't work, it only cost you the price of AD. On the downside, if it does work well enough, you'll have to buy AirDisplay on your own iTunes account again. – abstrask – 2012-04-30T19:06:15.873


I use iDisplay and it works. Its cheaper than AirDisplay (mentioned in another answer) but it works fine, but there is lag, but Im only running a .11g network.


Posted 2012-04-30T18:28:10.903

Reputation: 57 019