Windows Task Schedule: How to disable taskeng.exe from popping up upon task initialization?


After a lot of fiddling around, I managed to launch a php script through Windows 7 Task Manager that mines data from the Twitter API every 5 minutes. The Task properties are as follows:

"C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe"

Add arguments (optional):
-O - -q -t 1 http://localhost/sentimeter/mining.php

However, this launches a taskeng.exe popup every 5 minutes, causing me to loose focus on the window that I'm working in. In another topic, I setting the /NOCONSOLE property should fix this, but setting the following arguments in the Task details doesn't work:

Add arguments (optional):
/NOCONSOLE -O - -q -t 1 http://localhost/sentimeter/mining.php


Posted 2012-04-29T15:46:04.277

Reputation: 177

possible duplicate of Run minimized batch file from scheduler

– Bob – 2012-05-16T10:06:10.097



You could try Hidden Start, it will allow you to run your script without a console window

Sebastian Godelet

Posted 2012-04-29T15:46:04.277

Reputation: 384