I want to send packets to
with packETH. However, there are some problems I cannot solve.
Here's some screenshots: (click to zoom in)
In IPv4 data ("Header length")
Header length of the packets I want to send is 20. However the "Header length" only accepts a one digit number. How can I solve this kind of problem?
The packets I want to send didn't specify "TOS"(In IPv4 data) & "urgent pointer"(In TCP data)
Are these two arguments important when sending TCP packets?
In IPv4 data ("options 0x")
The TCP data options of the packets I want to send is
. However it kept showing an error message:Wrong length of tcp options field(length mod 8 must be 0)
0x12 mod 8 should be zero, I also tried 0x08, 0x00...etc but the error message didn't change.
I have no idea why this happens, is it relevant to "Header length"?
The error tells you that the options field must be multiple of 8's. In most cases the TCP packet is 20 bytes with no options field. – 0xab3d – 2012-04-21T18:25:36.357