I have a a.zip.pgp
file along with an key.asc file. How can I extract the files from a.zip.pgp
I have tried the following:-
$ gpg --import key.asc
$ gpg --decrypt-files a.zip.pgp
gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG-E key, ID 20242EB8, created 2009-12-17
gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID 744D6CB7
gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available
$ gpk -k
pub 1024D/F8802D87 2009-12-17
uid Nsit-Poison <nsit_poison@yahoo.co.in>
sub 2048g/20242EB8 2009-12-17
Does anybody have any idea if this is because that I don't have the good key file ?
1A pure guess is that the 'key.asc' file contains a public key, which can encrypt a file, which then can be decrypted with the correct private key (which you possibly don't have). This is the purpose of (p)gp(g). It would help to know the context in which you obtained these files. – Eroen – 2012-04-20T11:42:01.327