Cannot access Yahoo Mail


My wife's Yahoo mail account is acting weird.

She can login to Yahoo and change account settings, etc: We've changed her password.

Weirdly, she cannot access yahoo mail:

Basically, we enter her user ID and password and the login just reappears (loops).


Posted 2012-04-18T21:43:50.473

Reputation: 11

Trying deleting all * cookies. – Dennis – 2012-04-18T21:47:18.997

2It'd help if you told us your operating system and browser as well. – slhck – 2012-04-19T07:21:08.083


Try deleting browser cache & cookies. If you don't know how, Google has instructions for all major browsers:

– None – 2012-04-19T09:31:30.497



The problem is probably cookies. Try deleting the cookies associated with @bytesum gives a good comment to your original question, with Google's descriptions of how different browsers handle cookie management.

Easy ways to tell if this is likely to work? Go to a different computer (previously unused by your wife and not known itself to have any problems logging into yahoo) and try there; or use a different web browser on the same machine and see if that works.


Posted 2012-04-18T21:43:50.473

Reputation: 550


Try using another browser.... Firefox seems to be the best, especially beefed up with EFF plugin to have end-to-end SSL, namely keeping network-sniffing malware away from your passwords, or even better - all your mails.


Posted 2012-04-18T21:43:50.473

Reputation: 2 365

2You don't even know what browser the OP has. – slhck – 2012-04-19T07:20:51.797


If you plan to salvage this answer by saying that using the HTTPS Everywhere add-on will solve the problem, please elaborate. Currently, this post is just a passing comment...

– iglvzx – 2012-04-19T07:27:26.597

2"Try another browser" doesn't depend on the original – Mark Sowul – 2012-04-27T04:22:39.153