Remotely connect to USB scanner via LogMeIn or similar service


Is it possible to connect a USB scanner (Fujitsu ScanSnap) to a Windows machine and through LogMeIn or similar remote desktop apps/services be able to send the scanner connection to the remote machine? In my case, this would be a Mac running DEVONthink Pro Office.

That way I may be able to remotely update/work my DEVONthink database with the scanner connected elsewhere.

orlando lopez

Posted 2012-04-17T14:14:55.983

Reputation: 65

lets clarify... you are sitting at your mac and you want to use your fujitsu scanner remotely? This scanner is not physically near you? – Logman – 2012-04-17T17:43:40.523

Logman - I will to be able to work on a Windows machine, which will have the USB Scanner connected, and have the scanner feed be sent through the remote session to the Mac. – orlando lopez – 2012-04-18T19:08:27.917



I will use dropbox and the OCR script from DEVONthink.


orlando lopez

Posted 2012-04-17T14:14:55.983

Reputation: 65