Where can I find a complete list of Windows STOP error codes?



Its all in the title, really. I need a list of STOP (blue screen) error codes so that when I see one, I can look it up. You'd think this would be documented somewhere, but I'll be darned if I can find it. Anyone got a link?

Tim Long

Posted 2012-04-12T22:19:53.760

Reputation: 903



This site might be of help to you: Troubleshooting Windows STOP Messages

And an even better site with a lot of information is: Bug Check Code Reference (Windows Debuggers)

Jeff Chilton

Posted 2012-04-12T22:19:53.760

Reputation: 251


Not very official documentation, but quite a useful collection of stop codes nonetheless:

List of Blue Screen Error Codes (STOP Codes)

Marcks Thomas

Posted 2012-04-12T22:19:53.760

Reputation: 5 749


James Eschelman stopped updating the STOP codes at Aumha.org in 2007. In 2009 I took up the task of keeping an updated list here: http://www.carrona.org/bsodindx.html

  • Updated through W10 (10240) - 480+ STOP codes

Working page for W10 (10586) at: http://www.carrona.org/bsodindxNEW.html

  • Added another 48ish STOP codes


Posted 2012-04-12T22:19:53.760

Reputation: 1