anybody who sees this today should be aware that, in the case of video games, yes even regularly patched ones, enabling compression on the drive or folder can decrease load times, even on slower cpus of today, and even on ssd's (other then the fastest ones most people dont have), you need to defrag regularly though, and i strongly recommend buying perfect disk, once you use its "Smart agressive" defrag, AFTER compression, leave its auto prevention of frangmentation feature enabled, it will keep an eye on activity and auto-optimize to avoid fragmentation, at very little to no perf hit(testd this all the way back to old first gen quads of both amd and intel on modern windows recently infact)
many game files compress insanely well, some games have files that take up disk space, despite being mostly game i compressed a while back went from 6gb in one of its folders to under 16mb..... (wish i was about wasted space and wasted I/O....)
compressed a buddies steam folder a while back, took it 4 days to compress(its on a 4tb drive and it started 3/4 full), when it was done....he was using around 1/3 of the drive total, defrag took another day(but, it started out horribly fragmented because, he had never done a defrag on it, ever..despite multi mmo's on it...and shitloads of steam/uplay/origin/etc games on it...)
DO NOT compress you pictures/images folders, it wont do any good, and will just make accessing them slower on slow systems(wont even notice on a 1/2 decent rig though...)
i have compressed my drives on every system since nt4, BUT, selectively, i will actually decompress folders where compression does more harm then good, its the "best practices" we came up with way back in the day as gamers, geeks, "it"guys(before that was a term), and, its stayed true, honestly, i wish they had a more fine tuned way to compress drives/data, there use to be a tool that wasnt free but affordable, that got you much better compression results without compressing any data that shouldnt be compressed....
anyway, even many older dual core systems actually benefit overall if you
1. run ccleaner
2. run chkdsk /f from elevated command prompt (type y then restart and let it run the check)
3. compress the drive.
4. defrag with either mydefrag or better, perfect disk, this will take time..
5. fine any folders containing large files or pictures/other content that dosnt compress well/at all, decompress the folder or just the files, my exp here is, you rarely have to defrag after this part of the process but, its best to check.
i get why some people are against compression, but, having tested it, when used properly, ssd or hdd, and especially slow old hdd's and ssd's, compression when used properly can seriously help not only save space but, performance, even most older dual cores can deal with the average compress/decompress cycles faster then the drive in those systems can move, having tested this, first gen and cheaper older design ssd's, can benefit from compression, not as much as slower hdd's in most cases but, a buddy has a netbook thats got a VERY slow, hard to replace ssd in it, as well as a much easier to replace easy to access ssd slot, but, the stupid thing CANNOT boot from the added ssd without removing the other one physically... (horrible bios, but...for what the unit is, its actually nice, more powerful then it looks..outside the slow ssd thats installed in such a way you have to take the whole thing apart to get to it......), compressing that drive and just having windows and the most basic of apps(like office) on the slow ssd actually sped it up, even in read/write, because its cpu actually ends up waiting for the damn dosnt for the faster one he insalled...i suggested just putting the boot loader on the internal ssd and the os on the added but..hes hoping to eventually kill the stupid thing by using most of it for the page file....(its 128gb but, ungodly slow, like i have usb3 flash drives that have better write speads....that cost all on sale at newegg/amazon......)
i STRONGLY suggest compressing at least your games drive/ god the dif that can make on even fast systems!!!
12I think the only right answer is "measure it on your system". – user541686 – 2012-04-12T17:15:39.480
I think this should stay a generic question. CPU is faster than Memory. Nowadays. Let's assume that. About the performance? No idea, but I'm curious too. – Apache – 2012-04-12T17:25:51.670
1What system is it? how many cores do you have ? being cpu intensive operation , will you have a bit more extra cpu relative to the hard drive speed for the operations you are going to be doing? The effect on power consumption and temps. The compressability of the data. how much is Read, and how much is write? Compressing it to begin with is slow, but reading it back (depending) should be faster by easily measurable ammounts. – Psycogeek – 2012-04-12T17:30:50.450
Related (but with slightly different circumstances; specific to a folder with many icons):
– bwDraco – 2012-04-12T17:34:37.370File sizes, isnt the windows compression done in 64K hunks? and what is the cluster size your using now? (which is sort-of the hunks your talking in now) What about recoverability? – Psycogeek – 2012-04-12T17:40:30.127
1Btw one thing you can try, is defrag. I heard wonders about UltimateDefrag, but I never tried it so far. (Amongst Diskeeper and PerfectDisk, I use the latter, since Diskeeper stopped releasing new versios, etc.) – Apache – 2012-04-12T17:43:28.840
I doubt defragging a compressed system will improve performance.. because the real data is compressed and stored using the driver in its own ordered. Degragging the high level data will not organise the compressed data. AND- why do you want to compress it any way? Usualyl peple encrypt on the fly as HDD are massive. What size HDD you got? 10gb???? I would suggest NOT to compress as its unnecessary processor time.. especially if playing games. – Piotr Kula – 2012-04-16T11:47:19.953
@ppumkin compressed files are stored in the same way, albeit in slightly bigger "units". You can defragment a compressed file system, and it will improve performance. – Breakthrough – 2012-04-16T12:41:35.657
An important factor is the compression rate that you obtain; but I think that the speed gain is not significant compared to the other advantages/disadvantages of compression. And it may be more useful for preserving SSDs than speeding normal HDDs – clabacchio – 2012-04-16T12:45:20.757
@Breakthrough you're right; I was saying that since SS memories (also Flash disks) have limited writing cycles, it MAY have sense to compress data. About this case, I think that speed gain (if any) is secondary compared to other factors. For instance, you may gain .5 ms but increasing the load on the CPU during a though task. It's hard to say if it's convenient, adn you'll never gain minutes. That's my point. – clabacchio – 2012-04-16T12:51:20.237
@clabacchio I see what you're saying now, and I suppose it would theoretically increase the SSD lifespan. – Breakthrough – 2012-04-16T12:52:45.940
@Breakthrough it's also true that if you buy an SSD you want speed, and lifespan is secondary. But it was just worth saying imho :) – clabacchio – 2012-04-16T12:54:24.070
@Breakthrough So what you are saying is that a compressed file system, is a file on the hard drive and can be physically accessed and defragmented? I don't think so. Grouping uncompressed data ontop of a compressed file system has no affect on the comrpessed file system unless the driver of that file system actively groups data! for example ZFS actively maintains data fragments even if they are spread across several HDD's. NTFS in it self does not, neither will the comprresed version of NTFS – Piotr Kula – 2012-04-16T13:05:31.273
@ppumkin see this article. The 64 kB chunks themselves can get fragmented on-disk. Placing them sequentially will improve throughput by eliminating seek time between subsequent compression units.
– Breakthrough – 2012-04-16T13:16:22.370also related:
– clabacchio – 2012-04-24T07:50:29.193