How does zsh figure out currently installed packages on Debian, and how can I update that information? After running apt-get install, zsh won't autocomplete that package as a possible parameter for apt-get purge or apt-get remove. The only way I can get it to update is to run a new shell. None of the tricks I've found seem to work: rehash or even rm ~/.zcompdump && compinit don't help.
Bash recognizes package installs and removals, and modifies the possible parameter lists for apt-get remove/purge accordingly, without any user interaction. This is using the default configuration on Debian wheezy.
With the default configuration for zsh, I don't get any parameter completion for apt-get at all. I'm using the following custom rc to get completion (with the above caveat):
autoload -U compinit compinit eval `dircolors -b` PS1="%n@%M:%~ > " zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors $LS_COLORS
1Where do I have to add this line? To .zshrc? – white_gecko – 2015-05-19T08:52:00.437
1No, this does not help. Even with this, or manually calling the
command, the package names available for completion are not updated. I've now started usingexec zsh
, though that's of course not perfect (i.e. because of background jobs). – Rörd – 2013-10-20T13:18:49.660