Generating new Opera user profile



How can I create new user profile for Opera?

I like to keep lot of open tabs, but often when I work I need to look up things every now and then. So when I need to concentrate on something, e.g. some important TO-DO-NOW, the other tabs can distract me. The best approach for me so far was to create a whole new profile and close the default one.

With *nix version of Opera, I'd can simply opera -pd ~/todo/urgent and Opera would automatically create all files and things it needs.

But on Windows, opera.exe /Settings d:\todo\urgent\ brings an error:

Error initializing Opera: module 9 (prefs)

Description of this switch on Opera's official site says:

/Settings <full path>       Launch with specified settings (opera6.ini) file

so probably the .ini file is missing. Maybe I could "steal" it from somewhere, but it seems to contain quite a lot of full paths to edit, settings that I don't want to use, etc.

Is there any clean and easy way to generate new instance of user settings?

Alois Mahdal

Posted 2012-03-23T19:47:24.373

Reputation: 2 014



I'm not on Windows, so I can't try if it works, but according to this blog post -pd should work on Windows too.


Posted 2012-03-23T19:47:24.373

Reputation: 902

Checking back ages later, I can see they have added -pd to the official help. (Can't see if it was due to my report or not...) – Alois Mahdal – 2015-09-16T16:49:02.677

@AloisMahdal: according to my experience with Opera, I guess it wasn't due to your report :) – ytg – 2015-09-17T08:27:18.230

I just wish I had known it before I blasted my old profile :/ They should definitely be more clear about it at the help page

– Alois Mahdal – 2012-03-26T09:52:09.713

I have just filed a bug report to Opera, with suggestion that this switch should be added to their official help. – Alois Mahdal – 2012-03-26T11:07:48.527