FreeBSD file group write permissions


I have created a dummy file just to test out group permissions.

touch /path/test.txt
chown user1:txtwriter /path/test.txt
chmod 664 /path/test.txt && ls -la


-rw-rw-r--   1 user1  txtwriter         0 Mar 23 14:59 test.txt

and with user2 which is added to txtwriter group:

[user2@localhost (/path)]: echo blah > test.txt 
-bash: test.txt: Permission denied

How can I fix the permissions so all of the users added to the group can modify the file ?


Posted 2012-03-23T12:25:40.113

Reputation: 101

1Are you sure the group change has permeated to the current shell? Try the command groups with user2 to see if the group is listed. If not, run newgrp txtwriter in the current terminal, then try writing to the file again. If this was the problem, look up the definition of "login shell". – Daniel Andersson – 2012-03-23T12:35:05.453

the group is listed – Teneff – 2012-03-23T12:52:00.767

It seems to be working fine after logout and login again. – Teneff – 2012-03-23T13:00:57.480

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