AutoIT script for linux?


As we know we are having AutoIt script for windows XP/2000/..etc.

Do we have same AutoIt scripts for linux machines?


Posted 2012-03-21T09:54:01.833


Related: GUI scipting for Linux at SR.SE

– kenorb – 2017-06-02T08:45:21.423

3You'd better ask this in or – Ali – 2012-03-21T09:56:25.033



This topic has been discussed many times on the AutoIt forums. One of the more recent ones that I can remember is this one, by far the most comprehensive about it is here.

Some features of AutoIt do work under wine. However, some of the more powerful automation function are very windows specific so I doubt they will work perfectly.

However, wine is not the answer. You are much better off finding alternatives that are native to linux. A few ideas that might be worth investigating:

  • Java, using classes such as java.awt.Robot
  • Python, google for python automation libraries for linux, like uinput or dogtail.
  • Any of the tools listed on this page.


Posted 2012-03-21T09:54:01.833

Reputation: 171


Look at expect or shell scripting or xautomation


Posted 2012-03-21T09:54:01.833

Reputation: 141



Fake input from the mouse and keyboard very easily.

Home page: jordansissel/xdotool at GitHub


You can use AutoHotkey (AHK) under Linux by executing it under Wine. This is how winetricks are using it in Linux (see w_ahk_do() in src/winetricks), e.g.

wine AutoHotkey.exe script.ahk

There is also PYAHK AutoHotKey Python library which integrates AutoHotKey with Python. Probably you can run AutoIt under Wine as well. The downside is that you can control only Windows app under Linux.

For general Linux automation tools, see: GUI scipting for Linux.

For Python libraries, see: Python GUI automation library for simulating user interaction in apps.

See also: GUI testing tools at Wikipedia


Posted 2012-03-21T09:54:01.833

Reputation: 16 795