Vim pattern for replacing ftp links with local



I'm going to be sorting through a large mass of html files and replacing links to an ftp site with local links. I am using vim and I am trying to figure out a pattern to use with %s/find/replace/g that will match a string such as


and replace it with


essentially replacing everything except the file name itself. There will be multiple ftp directories in a single html file so the pattern should be able to match any type of ftp link. All of these ftp files will be going into the same local directory. Although most of the files are pdfs some are ptts and other random files.

Are Vim's patterns able to match something like this, and if so what would that pattern look like?


@akira did a great job with the regex supplied in his answer. I went out on my own to find a way to put this into a reusable function and this is what I came up with:

(inside your vimrc) define a function that allows you to pass a string to replace the matched string

function SwitchFtp(local)
    execute ':%s,href="ftp://.*/\(.\+\)",href="'.a:local.'\1",g'

(optional) assign this function to a command so that you don't have to use call

command -nargs=1 SwitchFtp call SwitchFtp(<f-args>)

This would then be called with something like

:SwitchFtp local/directory/


Posted 2012-03-14T18:57:47.367

Reputation: 145

so, "replace everything from 'ftp://' up to the last '/'" ? – akira – 2012-03-14T19:28:36.030

yes, without matching the filename itself if that's possible. – webdesserts – 2012-03-14T19:30:05.267





Posted 2012-03-14T18:57:47.367

Reputation: 52 754

I updated the question with some clarification. There will not be a common directory on the ftp site, these files will be linked from multiple directories, hence the need for a pattern. – webdesserts – 2012-03-14T19:25:50.140

haha, that's amazing. Now to try to turn this thing into a function (help's appreciated, but the pattern is a good start). Thanks for the help! I'll have to look into how you did this later. Lots of stuff I haven't seen yet in it. – webdesserts – 2012-03-14T19:52:01.993


To take


and replace it with


you want


Scott C Wilson

Posted 2012-03-14T18:57:47.367

Reputation: 2 210