G’day, I love OneNote but there is one thing I hate: it’s one or the other, not both (i.e. I want to save the notebook on my computer but ALSO have it synced online). I DO NOT like the idea of just relying on a cached copy if something goes wrong, I want to have a notebook folder on my computer (which is automatically backed up to an external drive) AND I want it all backed up and accessible online. Can this be done?
Why do I want this done this way? well, I run Win7 and Office 2010 in parallels desktop on my 15" MacBook Pro - I am currently saving my notebooks to the Mac's Documents folder. If I save (share) them online then cannot seem to be able to save them on the mac either. I"m not happy with them just being on Skydrive with only a cached copy as a backup (why? because some of my friends have had their live accounts shut down by Microsoft without explanation, and it's been a pain in the neck to get them reactivate, I don't want to rely on Skydrive just in case this happens to me). Suffice it to say I have lots of reasons for wanting to do it this way so does anyone have any clues on how this might be done?
1Why not just point the cached location to your backup folder? – surfasb – 2012-03-12T04:01:44.243