A secure transfer method for large XML file


I have to put in place a transfer system to receive XML file of more that 1 Go.

This system have to be very secure.

I was about to take SFTP but it's not IIS compatible and some of the senders will probably have IIS servers and it's will add some time for the project to start.

There is no others options that to use FTPS ?


Posted 2012-03-08T05:46:34.593

Reputation: 121

SFTP and FTPS are two unrelated protocols – salva – 2012-03-08T09:49:24.510

I know, I was saying that FTPS is my only other solution but I don't find it sufficiently secure. – None – 2012-03-08T17:52:36.660

SFTP, as a protocol, is not more secure than FTPS. A different matter are the particular implementations. – salva – 2012-03-08T18:07:59.643

Right, but in my case it's more "secure" if I can be sure of the client identity with a SSH key or a SSL cert. – None – 2012-03-08T18:16:39.880

I don't know if IIS supports it, but you should be able to use SSL client certificates when using FTPS in order to identify your users. – salva – 2012-03-08T18:21:33.753

Actually, FTP SSL Client Certificates <sslClientCertificates>

– salva – 2012-03-08T18:28:56.750



AS2 seems to be the answer !

You can have a SSL cert on the server and also on the client and you have MDN.


Posted 2012-03-08T05:46:34.593

Reputation: 121

What's AS2 and MDN? – Journeyman Geek – 2012-03-09T07:54:02.307

Sorry but I'm french, Wikipedia will explain it much better that me :) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AS2

– Jarzon – 2012-03-10T00:11:03.220


Use WebDAV over HTTPS.


Posted 2012-03-08T05:46:34.593

Reputation: 181